Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here are some random thoughts swimming through my brain, this afternoon:

It's getting chilly outside.

And I would be happy with that if it didn't mean that stupid winter is just around the corner.

Because that means 6 months of freezing weather. And 3 months of an ugly inversion hanging over my head.

I'm in the mood for some chocolate.

Kennedy started first grade! She's getting so big. . . I feel old.

I love our family bike rides.

Ashlee and the babies moved WAY closer to me. Instead of a 35 minute drive, it's a 7 minute drive (Kennedy timed it for me). Hooray!

We're taking a family trip to Seattle! Justin has never been, so we're pretty stoked.

I asked Kennedy what she wants to do most in Seattle. Her request: go to the park and the library. Sounds like we need to add a little more excitement to her life.

I don't know how it's physically possible, but I swear my house is getting smaller.

I want to live somewhere that is 75+ degrees year-round. And that has an ocean. And palm trees. And a cabana boy. Or two.

I really like chocolate.

My house would be a whole lot cleaner if I didn't have to be at work all effing day.

Our puppy is quite lucky that she has the most darling little face. Her adorableness has saved her life a few times.

I have a very sexy husband.

I could use a complete wardrobe makeover. Will someone please call "what not to wear" and tell them how terribly UN fashionable I am? Thank you.

I think I'm going to go get myself some chocolate.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Remember the '50's? Those were some good years.

If I start her on Cola now, maybe we can help Kennedy fit in during her awkward pre-teen and teen years.

(here it is close up, in case you can't read it:)

I know Justin sure doesn't like the "other" me. Lysol to the rescue!

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's Friday

It's Friday.

Yay for the weekend.

And yay for chocolate chip zucchini bread.

And just so you know, it's a good thing I don't eat at Quiznos, very often, because apparently if I would have eaten at the one across the street from my work earlier this month I could have been exposed to Hepatitis A. And no one wants Hepatitis A.

Anyway, enough small talk. Here are the answers to my little game from last time:

1. Turtle! Jennifer was the first one to guess it correctly. And Mel was the second. You guys rock.

2. Space Needle in Seattle, WA. (Good job, mom (and to the others who knew it, as well))

3. Pickle. I guess this one was really tough. I told you they were random pictures.

Tune in next time for more thrilling musings from yours truly.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's play a game.

So I feel bad that I haven't blogged for a while. I have lots to blog about, but I just haven't uploaded pictures and stuff. Sorry, folks.

To make up for my lack of exciting posts, here's a game I like to call "What is it?"

Look at these tiny pictures (each of them has been cropped from much larger picture), and try to guess what the big pictures are of. These are just three random pictures, which I did not take, and which are are completely unrelated.



There is no prize for guessing correctly except that of the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction, knowing that you solved a difficult puzzle on my blog. Oh- and I will publicly announce who the winner(s) is on my next blog post. So you can gloat to all of your friends.
I will give the answer on... um... let's say Friday. Sure. Ok, Friday.

Ready, set, GO!

Monday, August 2, 2010

True love.

December 10, 1992:

There is a boy in 4th grade name Wyatt. He is the most popular kid in fourth grade. We were singing Christmas songs in music, and he sat in front of me and said “you sing pretty.” I said “Uh... thank you.” He said again, “you have a pretty voice.” I said “Thanks.” I think he loves me! I KNOW I love him.

(He became my boyfriend about a year later. I guess he did love me. Although... not long after that, he decided I was annoying and made fun of me at recess. Typical.)